Thursday, December 17, 2015

A few words from Paul Craig Roberts

This is sort of how I see it too. I generally like Paul Craig Roberts, but don't agree with everything he says. I'm not that enthralled by the idea of buying gold. That won't save us.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Monday, December 14, 2015

I've often speculated that Trump and Clinton are in it together.

And now I'm finding I am not the only one who thinks this. Others have thought that Trump and Clinton are in it together as well. Think of it. Nobody really likes Hillary Clinton. In order to get people to vote for her, you would a terrible menace indeed. And Trump once identified as a Democrat.

Here is a link to an article from Fortruss blog about just such a theory.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Not a signpost

Although I've combined many of my blogger blogs into one, I think I will leave this one stand as is. So, this post is not a signpost to another blog.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Claims of US targeting Syrian base

See, this proves exactly what many people believed from the start. The US is not really interested in  fighting ISIS, but they are interested infighting the Syrian government, and toppling the Assad "regime" (as they call it). Within this video, John Kerry has the nerve to talk about those forces who are "problem children." Who gave the US the right to dictate to the world? Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria....They talk as though the Russians are powerless to stop them. Really? I don't know one way or the other if the Russians can trully change the outcome in Syria. But I don't think the world needs to go down that road.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

John Pilger is saying it about Syria

Finally, somebody on the left is saying this about ISIS and Syria. Different from what I've seen Chomsky and Amy Goodman going on about.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Turkey War with Russia? - Joaquin

I don't think Russia is going to be as cautious about how it responds as this analysis suggests, but we'll see. I get the sense that the Turkish government sees itself as being more important than NATO thinks it is, but could be wrong. One thing I suspect: A country can't openly shoot down a Russian jet and think that is the end of it.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Paris, France post two

One other note about the coverage and analysis of the meaning of the attacks in France the other day. People are already predicting how the future will unfold based upon this factoid or that, this theory or the other. The truth is nobody yet knows how the future will unfold, or if they do, they don't know what the masses will come to think of this future. I would say that the analysts, critics, and conspiracy theorists are way ahead of the curve this time, but also very pessimistic in their outlook.

It is too soon to tell whether this will mean greater suffering for the people of the Middle-East, not to mention the world. It could mobilize the western countries to double down with a policy of trying to remove Assad from power, while at the same time purportedly taking on ISIS. Or, the Russians might have more to say about that than some of the analysts might believe currently, and the focus could shift towards ISIS alone. Or, if we are very lucky, reason could prevail, and peace could be made. But don't hold out on that last one.

Finally, for tonight at least, nothing is really clear yet about what happened in France, except it was terrible and violent. In other words, we don't know what it means yet, and only time will tell if we ever find a reason that makes sense for not only what happened in France, but also what has happened in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Ukraine......

The bottom line is really no explanation could be ruled out at this point, based on the history of the 21st century thus far. Let me pose this as a question then: Does it not seem as though some of the people who claim to oppose ISIS have had a little something to do with the rise of ISIS? Just a question. Just wondering. Don't get too upset about it please.

Paris, France

There is a lot I, like many others, would like to say about the Paris attack. But now is not the time to say it. Some people are, and their analysis is spot on. But for me, I'll wait until it seems like, to the extent I'm paid attention to at all, any analysis or criticism would seem appropriate rather than callous.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Classic Press Briefing on Russia and NATO

This is classic. I'm told this is from some time ago, but it makes the point clearly. I felt like I was watching a parody of some old 1960s movie, like "Dr. Strangelove" or something. The general (I believe he is a general) was like some stereotype of a fictitious general from some story book. He reminded me of something out of the book, The Little Prince , like when the Little Prince visits the planet where the militaristic leader is plotting out his territory.

Is Russia getting closer to NATO? Unbelievable. And this is how too many of our leaders think. No, the obvious answer is that NATO is getting closer to Russia. 

Media, RT, and Suspicious Minds.

Of course we should be suspicious when we hear one of the main innovators that created Russia Today is suddenly found in his American hotel room no longer among the living.   We know, as the article covers, that many in the American establishment are unhappy with the reporting RT does about them. We also know that many are unhappy with Russia, and Russian war policy in Syria. Odd, since ostensibly the US and Russia share a common enemy in ISIS. Of course, the real goal of US policy in Syria has been to remove Assad from power all along, but I digress....slightly.

So, we sometimes ponder the possibility, as I have titled this blog with belief in this very concept, that politics is something that is done in the darkness. What we get from NPR and the rest is just fragmentary trivia, not anything close to happenings in the vast darkness of the deep state.

So, yes I'm suspicious. I wouldn't put anything past the people who hold real power in this world, and it wouldn't surprise me if someday we learn that our most frightening suspicions about power were true all along. (Article about RT from The Free Thought

Friday, November 6, 2015

Why is this congressperson saying things that seem true?

Hmm...Congressperson, Dana Rohrabacher, is saying some odd things for a congressman. He seems to be speaking the truth about Syria and Russia. Why would he do that so openly? Is US policy about to change? Difficult to know, but fascinating nonetheless. If it isn't what the ruling elite want from him, and they perceive this becoming a problem for their policies, then it could become difficult for this congressperson to keep telling so much truth. (note: For any who come across my blog, I am trying to use html code more when posting video - not to mention in general. So, be patient with my mistakes please.)source: Russia Insider YT.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Kerry, Lavrov, and the Turkish Border with Syria.

Here is how Mike Whitney concludes this article from CounterPunch about the prospects for peace in Syria, and the duplicity being exercised by Mr. Kerry and company regarding the war in Syria: "Putin sees terrorism as a direct threat to Russia’s national security. He’s going to do whatever it takes to defeat the enemy and win the war. If that means he’s got to put Russian boots on the ground to get the job done, then that’s what he’ll do."

RI Founder Charles Bausman Crushes Neocons on Russian Top Political Talk...

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Does TPP spell the demise of the internet as we know it?

Only time will tell. This is from CounterPunch.  It is hard to imagine that even Google and some of the big tech companies would be for some of the things in this deal. Perhaps they're not. time will tell, but if we take what is being reported at face value, especially in the article linked to above, it might become difficult to spread information throughout the internet as we can today. Who knows, it might be useless to link to articles, as copyright will be very much in the way. That's if we are still allowed to link to articles at all. On the other hand, the end of the internet has predicted by doomsayers many times before, and somehow, it survives. We'll have to wait and see if it survives this time. The problem is, the people with real power in this world don't like our freedom.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Can this article really be saying what it seems to?

This is from a site called South Front, that does sort of  a run down each day of military developments involving Russia (and others maybe), while also providing some insight into the strategy that might lie behind what information can be uncovered. This line stood out: "Iraqi security sources stated that the US-led coalition’s airstrikes killed 22 army and volunteer servicemen on Tuesday. The coalition warplanes targeted the Iraqi forces’ positions after they advanced the al-Jama and al-Davajen bridges near the city of Ramadi."

This seems to be saying that the US bombed Iraqi positions, not ISIS. That can't be what it is really saying? Can it?

Video Link Including Summary

CrossTalk: Syrian Turning Point?

From RT via Russia Insider. Politics certainly is done in the dark, and listen at about 21 minutes in, when the former diplomat talks about the "deep state." Also, Sukant Chandra, who is often good, is very good here. Keep in mind, RT is the station McCain and some of his friends want shut down, or at least kept away from Americans.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I have reasons to believe the "targeted Individual" theory

Every now and then, there will be a story in the news about individuals doing something reckless, dangerous, and out of character for them - with terrible results for them personally, not to mention others (especially others). There was an event in my life that I still haven't come to terms with, and as crazy as it may sound, I can not rule out some of the more far out theories even to explain my own case.

The most recent story is the case of the woman who drove her car into the Oklahoma State sports crowd.    there is no logical explanation for her actions. Every account from people who know her (as is the pattern in other cases) tells us that she would never do such a thing. So why did she do it? Well, there are probable explanations out there.

This is from the Internet Archive, and was uploaded by somebody called, HRC.

Some things they can do to you with science
For those who have a browser (other than chrome, maybe firefox) that will not play my html5 video code - here is the direct link.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Friday, August 14, 2015

An example of the big brother nature of the internet

Many weird things have happened to me online, but I usually can't remember all of them at the same time. So, I'll go out there again (as that is what this blog has been about), and attempt to describe one such thing.

Once I had a different blogger blog where I sort of decided I was unhappy with some of the terms of use and copyright stuff Google goes on about. Silly on my part really anyway. So, I kind of blogged something, which I don't remember the particulars of, that was along the lines of saying I would sort of ignore all of this. Very silly on my part really.

Next time I logged in, maybe on the bottom of the blog (I don't remember), there was a message along the lines of, "you must accept the terms of service..."

Anybody who comes across this post would never believe me. But it is true. And this is mild compared to some of the other stuff.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Some more propaganda

Like I'm sure this media story is something other than it purports to be. Who could believe this type of thing. And, there is a Google spreadsheet public on Google docs with all the countries and their internet searches listed. Somebody's Intelligence Agencies? Something else?