Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I have reasons to believe the "targeted Individual" theory

Every now and then, there will be a story in the news about individuals doing something reckless, dangerous, and out of character for them - with terrible results for them personally, not to mention others (especially others). There was an event in my life that I still haven't come to terms with, and as crazy as it may sound, I can not rule out some of the more far out theories even to explain my own case.

The most recent story is the case of the woman who drove her car into the Oklahoma State sports crowd.    there is no logical explanation for her actions. Every account from people who know her (as is the pattern in other cases) tells us that she would never do such a thing. So why did she do it? Well, there are probable explanations out there.

This is from the Internet Archive, and was uploaded by somebody called, HRC.

Some things they can do to you with science
For those who have a browser (other than chrome, maybe firefox) that will not play my html5 video code - here is the direct link.

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