Most people probably haven't given it much thought, but the main way the state, any state (other than maybe Iceland) manages its affairs is really through its "intelligence" services. For instance, the people might be allowed to see a larger US made war on the news (to some extent at least), but what happened in the weeks, months, and even years that led up to that? I would bet that various states were acting out there tragic plays on the world stage, usually using spy craft.
Of course, if anybody gets too close to the truth about any of these events being played out in the dark, they are labeled a "conspiracy theorist." Or, perhaps worse things would happen to them. I'm convinced that often not a word would be said to the targeted person. Strange things might happen. There is the idea of the "targeted individual." I tend to believe it is true simply because of some weird stuff that happened to me personally. Perhaps there will be a time when I write about that. Not now though.
"Targeted Individuals" have the perception that they are being monitored, and even harassed, in various ways by...somebody. I would call that somebody either "the shadow government" or "the deep state." They might not know why this is being to done to them. Many people would write them off as simply paranoid, or in need of psychiatric help. I'll eventually get to what I think about the psychiatric establishment, and to put it nicely - I'm not entirely convinced they know what they're doing. But after the Snowden revelations, is it too far fetched to think people are being monitored and even harassed? Hmm?
You see, this is what they would do. They would play little games. They would ruin a person's credibility. They might even harm the people you love around you to get to you, and never come out of the darkness. The targeted person might never truly understand why they have been made a target.
Noam Chomsky once said that states operate kind of like mafias. He didn't mean it in this way. He was talking more about foreign policy. In fact, he would probably consider everything I've written thus far as "conspiracy theory." But I would contend it applies the same way to how things are handled inside the state as well.
One quote I've been coming across a lot recently is the one by Voltaire. It can be paraphrased as you know who has power over you by who you can't criticize. So, this leads me to another area of the shadow government one must ignore, which is the Zionist connection. Actually, many people have been openly wondering how much influence Israel has on our politics, which would mean over the shadow government. When a hundred senators vote to legitimize the war on Gaza, it is hard not to see the influence. On the other hand, the White House doesn't seem to be 100% in with the Zionists. Maybe about 90%?
Either way, democracy has failed. It is hard to go on about democracy when the elected government is doing the exact opposite of what would benefit the people. When I learn about a meeting of NATO in Wales that benefits nobody, and only causes more problems for world peace, then I know democracy has failed. It doesn't even rise to the level of a joke. Or, as George Carlin once said, "They don't give a f--k about you!"
What Voltaire left out is we must look at who we not allowed to praise as well. We, in the "west" are not permitted to think, much less say, that Qaddafi or Assad, or dare I mention, the evil Hezbollah, might be more than a cartoon caricature. Certainly, we can't mention that something positive for their people could have been accomplished through them. The "west" (meaning the US) makes the rules about who is a terrorist and who isn't. We aren't even permitted to know our own status as citizens. Are we on some list? The state will attempt to make it hard for one to find out his or her status regarding such lists.
Which brings me to ISIS. This is a strange case, but not so strange if we examine the recent history of the shadow government. The US has armed its future enemies many times. But here the enemy seems to be an enemy if in Iraq, but less so if it is fighting in Syria against the Assad regime. Personally, I believe, but can't prove, that ISIS is a creation of the shadow government, probably with the help of the Zionist wing of the shadow government in particular. But I don't know that.
The point is we are given a cartoon version of reality. Our friends are our friends, and we have enemies. But the truth is our friends are often our enemies, and even within our borders, it is hard to discern which side the players are on. Think of the movie the "Manchurian Candidate." In the movie, the most patriotic ones outwardly, happen to be working with the enemy - but this is to accomplish their own goals and then likely turn on their enemy/allies. I know. It is all so confusing.
A person might believe they are not important enough for the state to take interest in what they do. I'm not convinced of that. Hopefully, I haven't written anything that makes me too interesting.
Good night and good luck.
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