Sunday, September 21, 2014

Tarpley on McCain

This is the recent podcast of Webster Tarpley. It is more than an hour long, but I post it because a good portion of the show is devoted to the questions, just now being addressed (or more like dismissed) in the major media. According to Tarpley (and we should all be able to see this anyway) John McCain did meet (allegedly) with ISIS in Syria. One thing Tarpley doesn't talk about enough is the Israeli (alleged) connection. Others do, and I hope to post some of those videos soon too.

And, it seems that this video has disappeared as of October 2015 at the least. Hmm. Well, it is all out in the open now anyway. The Russians have called the US bluff, and now the US is admitting it supports "moderate" (whatever that could mean) "rebels" (which is the euphemism).

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